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FAQ Asti-Cuneo A33

Route Application

  /  Route Application

Route Application

From 1 September 2024 on the section between Asti and Castagnito, the Free Flow system portals used for toll collection have been activated.

The Free Flow system only affects Section II (from Marene on the A6 to loc. Rocca Schiavino on the SS231). Section I (from Cuneo to Massimini on the A6) will not be affected and will continue to be managed with the traditional toll collection methods.

The transition to Free Flow consists of eight in-line portals and a dedicated portal at the Verduno hospital.

The Govone barrier and the Cherasco toll gate will be phased out.

Completion phase

On completion of the motorway section from Marene on the A6 to loc. Rocca Schiavino on the SS231, portals 7 and 8 will be activated, with elimination of the Cherasco toll gate.

On taking over management of the Alba bypass from the motorway concessionaire, portal 5 will be activated.

ASTI CUNEO-Mappa-Free Flow-2024_07_Asti Cuneo Free Flow Portali
Last update: 02/09/2024